Jammu’s runners finish Trail-A-Thon – Jammu Kashmir Latest News … – Daily Excelsior
Excelsior Sports Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 31: Three runners from Jammu namely Rahul Sharma, Sahil Sharma and Samvit Sharma breezed through the ‘Aravalli Trail Ultra’ in 56 kilometers and 84 kilometers categories, respectively, organized at Aravali Range in Gurgaon on January 29.
Samvit Sharma also finished podium as the first runner up in the 84 kilometer trail run with clocked timing (9:43:16 Hrs), while Rahul Sharma completed 56 kms with timing (6:54:57 Hrs) and Sahil Sharma completed 56 kilometer with clocked timing (6:55:04 Hrs).
The ‘Trail-A-Thon’ is an ITRA-certified event, which is also known as ‘Manger Trail’ connecting with Damdama Lake at another end in the Aravalli.
The ‘Aravalli Range’ is arguably the oldest geological feature on earth, in which trail running is a challenging and exciting sport, while for road running or on sealed paths, standardized values such as distance, running pace or heart rate are frequently the focus for trail running and the experience itself takes center stage.
The obstacles and the terrain are constantly changing – first you are on rocks, then on grass, occasionally over roots and in between it may go up and then go down. “On a trail, both your body and soul are alert and challenged,” they narrated.