Run further than ever – how to go beyond the marathon distance in 2020 – Runner’s World (UK)

Run further than ever – how to go beyond the marathon distance in 2020  Runner’s World (UK)

how to run an ultra


Damian Hall is a UK Athletics coach and record-breaking ultra-runner. He has made the podium at many iconic ultra-running events, including the Spine Race and the Dragon’s Back, and finished fifth in the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc in 2018. He has mastered the long game. Here’s his top tips on how to run further than ever this year:

1. Lose your fear

If a race is twice the distance of a marathon, it doesn’t mean your training needs to be twice as hard. Many people complete ultras on around the same mileage as a marathon training plan. Although you’ll be on your feet for longer in an ultra, you’ll be moving slower than marathon pace. It’s significantly less intense and less taxing on joints – repetitive pounding on asphalt is brutal compared with softer, changing terrain that better spreads stress around the body. Also, hiking the uphills (and most trail ultras are lumpy) is not only legitimate but a smart strategy, to preserve muscles. You may even start looking forward to hills and the sneaky walking break they allow.

2. Get out more

In ultra training, consistency is king. That doesn’t mean doing the same thing every day or week, but, rather, getting out regularly – four to six shorter runs a week is better than the same volume over two or three runs – for several consecutive months builds a great endurance base. The long run is the key workout and if you can get in a handful that are 20 miles/four hours or more, you’ll be in a good place. These runs should be mostly easy and as well as the cardio benefits, they are great for sussing out which shoes (think blister-prevention) and other kit works best, and to train your gut.

3. Get the fuelling right

Ultras are eating competitions as much as running events. And eating to fuel long runs effectively is a skill that needs to be honed. Aid stations have piles of flapjacks and cakes – a few even have beer. Gels may be OK for a few hours, but the longer the race, the more you’ll want variety, ‘real food’ and savoury options, such as salty nuts and soup. Use longer training runs to practise fuelling and train your gut to digest food on the go. Well-fuelled long runs will also help you to recover more quickly. Aim for 1g carbs/per kg of body weight/per hour.

4. Shift your mindset

One of the most liberating things about ultramarathons is that no one cares how long a race took you. All the usual pressures of chasing a PB or maintaining a particular uncomfortable pace, not to mention the repeated wrist-gazing that comes with it, go out the window. It’s usually pointless trying to stick to eight-minute miles, anyway, because the terrain, the weather, the possible darkness or a good chinwag with your new best friend will affect your pace. You can just relax and enjoy the experience of a lifetime.

5. Speed it up

Speedwork isn’t as important for ultras as it is for shorter distances, but one fast session a week will make your ‘forever pace’ feel that little bit easier and give you a change of gear should circumstances – eg the weather turns or you hear a rumour the raspberry flap-jacks are about to run out at the next aid station – demand it.

6. Get specific

Trail ultras usually involve hills or, perhaps, some night running, so it’s a good idea to practise the specifics of the race, to make it more comfortable, physically and mentally. If it’s likely you’ll be hiking sections of the route, practise that, too, because you’ll be using muscles and tendons slightly differently, and you also need to check your shoes work well for all parts of the route. Plus, it’s good cross-training.

7. Learn to juggle

For those runners who have family commitments or limited training time – the two often go together –the alarm may need to be set for some awkward times so you can squeeze in those long runs. You should see these early starts as useful mental training for when it gets tough during a race. Smart life/run juggling tactics include run commutes, lunchtime runs, running to or from family activities, running while your kids cycle. Get creative and look for training opportunities everywhere.

8. Find your way

A first ultra means being on your feet for longer than ever before, which will make you tired and probably a bit fed up. Rule number one: low mood, eat food. Often you’ve just neglected your fuelling and a big chunk of chocolate may give you the lift you need.

At other times, you need some mental resilience to see you through. It comes down to how much it matters to you. So, know your ‘why’ before the race. Why are you doing this? It may mean thinking of those who inspire you, or who you want inspire; or of times when others have written you off.

It also helps to break the race into bite-sized chunks; try to stay in the moment (ie practise mindfulness) and just concentrate on getting to the next checkpoint. Also, however hard it gets, try to remember how lucky you are to be there. Research shows that feeling gratitude makes us perform better. Discomfort is temporary, but the finish line is forever.

9. Recover well

Recovery is crucial when your training changes and new stimulus is added. Your number-one priority is sleep. That’s when all the good stuff happens, such as growth hormones being released and muscles repaired. Regular foam rolling is smart, too, to dissipate muscle tightness before it becomes an issue. And pre-emptive physio visits could save you in the longterm. Some strength work is wise, too, to help with good form and injury prevention.