Regina’s Renae Grubb has run a long way since her first Queen City Marathon – Regina Leader-Post

Regina’s Renae Grubb has run a long way since her first Queen City Marathon  Regina Leader-Post

Renae Grubb is looking forward to running in her 19th consecutive Queen City Marathon on Sunday.

The first Queen City Marathon was a catalyst to a long running career for Regina’s Renae Grubb,

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Renae Grubb’s love of running has been a long-distance affair.

It started on Sept. 23, 2001, when the Queen City Marathon debuted. On Sunday, Grubb will take part in her 19th consecutive QCM.

“The reason I started running was friends of mine had heard about advertising for the first Queen City Marathon,” said Grubb, 57. “I thought that I was an active person, I played badminton and volleyball and I also biked and running should be doable.”

Grubb learned it might not be as easy as she thought. She ran a block and wondered if she could finish a full marathon, which is 42.2 kilometres.

The initial QCM was limited to a full marathon, a relay, and a short kids’ run. Grubb found out that race organizers were allowing two runners to split the QCM into two 21.1km events and that was more of her running style.

Regina’s Renae Grubb has run in every Queen City Marathon since its inception in 2001 and the has the medals to prove she finished each race. BRANDON HARDER / Regina Leader-Post

Grubb then headed to Wascana Centre for her training sessions. While training, she learned some of the tricks of long-distance runners, including the finger wave when passing each other on the path.

“After a few weeks I realized that I was one of them now and I was pretty impressed,” Grubb said. “Then you get that running adrenaline high and you start meeting all of these different people.

“You’re being fit, you’re meeting friends and you’re having fun all at the same time. It’s a pretty sweet deal.”

Grubb is also one of 18 runners who have taken part in each QCM. The group has been dubbed “Legacy Runners.”

“I’ve heard that there is a small handful who have done a full marathon each year,” Grubb said. “I’m just in awe of that because life gets in the way and how do they squeeze in a full marathon each year?”

In 2002, Grubb signed up for her first full marathon in the QCM. She has now taken part in the three full marathons, 14 half-marathons and a 10km run.

She finished her first half-marathon in two hours seven minutes and completed her first full marathon in five hours 23 minutes 49 seconds.

She has also documented each of her races with photos and keeps all of the information in her running albums.

Regina’s Renae Grubb has accumulated a collection of medals, shirts and photos since she took up running for the Queen City Marathon in 2001. BRANDON HARDER / Regina Leader-Post

“Taking photos is a hobby of mine,” said Grubb, who’ll be running the 10km portion of the QCM on Sunday. “My friends say that if I put the camera down I might run faster, but then I wouldn’t be having as much fun.”

Grubb’s interest in running contributed to her becoming a group leader and eventually a running instructor at the Running Room, City of Regina and later at Track and Trail.

That passion for running contributed to Grubb racing internationally while serving a group leader on numerous marathon trips. Many of those marathons included fund-raising ventures for the participants.

“I wanted to run internationally, but I didn’t want to do all of the fund-raising,” Grubb said. “As a coach you don’t have to do the fund-raising, so I was able to run races in the Barbados, Ireland, Athens, Switzerland and Hawaii to mention a few.”

Regardless of her schedule, Grubb always finds time to train for and run in the QCM.

“To me, it’s a like a high school reunion every year,” she said. “I take so many pictures of my friends and there are hugs and high fives and I like cheering people on. That’s just the way I’ve always run and coached.

“I’m out there motivating people, giving them high-fives or taking a pictures of them or of us together. I’m trying to encourage people so they can finish the race and that they can do it.”

Grubb doesn’t expect her streak of consecutive appearances in the QCM to end anytime soon.

“I’ll be out there many decades in the future with my walker and I’ll be crossing the finish line,” Grubb said with a laugh.

Approximately 6,000 participants are expected to take part in the 19th QCM. The full marathon is set for an 8 a.m. start on Sunday outside the Conexus Arts Centre. Earlier race events are set for Friday and Saturday.