30 Things to Do 30 Minutes Before Bed to Lose Weight – msnNOW

30 Things to Do 30 Minutes Before Bed to Lose Weight  msnNOW

Eat This, Not That! Logo By Grant Stoddard of Eat This, Not That! | Slide 1 of 31: What's the best place in the world to lose weight? The gym! say the muscle-bound personal trainers, raising their hands (but not really getting that far because their deltoids get in the way).The (huff!) track (puff!) say the distance runners, cyclists, triathletes, and other types trucking along with sweat in their eyes and numbers stuck on their chests.The kitchen! say the nutritionists, dietitians, and organic-produce purveyors.But they're all wrong. Because real, successful, sustainable weight loss comes from achieving excellence in a completely unexpected realm: the bedroom.No, you can't lovemake your way to being lean. But you can absolutely sleep your way to a slimmer you. In fact, no matter how many pounds you press, how many miles you log, how much kale you crunch, it won't get you anywhere near your weight loss goals unless you're also getting enough quality sleep.University of Chicago researchers found that sub-par sleep could undermine fat loss by as much as 55 percent! The good news is just a few simple tweaks to your p.m. routine can mean serious weight loss success. (Psst! Looking for even more ways to snooze your way slim? Make sure you're avoiding The 17 Foods That Sabotage Your Sleep.)


What’s the best place in the world to lose weight? The gym! say the muscle-bound personal trainers, raising their hands (but not really getting that far because their deltoids get in the way).

The (huff!) track (puff!) say the distance runners, cyclists, triathletes, and other types trucking along with sweat in their eyes and numbers stuck on their chests.

The kitchen! say the nutritionists, dietitians, and organic-produce purveyors.

But they’re all wrong. Because real, successful, sustainable weight loss comes from achieving excellence in a completely unexpected realm: the bedroom.

No, you can’t lovemake your way to being lean. But you can absolutely sleep your way to a slimmer you. In fact, no matter how many pounds you press, how many miles you log, how much kale you crunch, it won’t get you anywhere near your weight loss goals unless you’re also getting enough quality sleep.

University of Chicago researchers found that sub-par sleep could undermine fat loss by as much as 55 percent! The good news is just a few simple tweaks to your p.m. routine can mean serious weight loss success. (Psst! Looking for even more ways to snooze your way slim? Make sure you’re avoiding The 17 Foods That Sabotage Your Sleep.)

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